Leo Diederich and Mary Ternes Relatives--Details (revised) - Tree
Leo Diederich and Mary Ternes Relatives--Details (revised) - Tree
Michael Simon
17 Nov 1893 -
Maria Jacobs
6 Jul 1894 -
Jakob Emmerich
4 Feb 1888 -
Anna Maria Jax
28 Dec 1889 -
Anton Simon
21 Aug 1863 -
Gertrud Michels
30 Apr 1865 -
Johann Jacobs
9 Dec 1857 - 13 Jan 1940
Christine Burg
9 Feb 1861 - 20 Feb 1946
Matthias Emmerich
13 Mar 1859 - 18 May 1939
Anna Simon
3 Nov 1861 - 12 Nov 1933
Matthias Jax
26 Feb 1846 - 15 Jun 1894
Katharine Mohrs
29 Apr 1863 - 26 Jul 1936
Johann Michels
Elisabeth Emmerich
Peter Josef Jacobs
Anna Gertrud Schneider
Johann Burg
Maria Molitor
Johann Emmerich
Margarete Jaeger
Jakob Simon
Maria Mertes
Nikolaus Mohrs
Gertrud Wagner