Leo Diederich and Mary Ternes Relatives--Details (revised) - Person Sheet
NameAnna Wohleber
Birthabt 1882, Lorain County, Ohio5,6,4
DeathElyria, Lorain County, Ohio?
FatherJohn Wohleber (1847-)
MotherKate (~1859-<1930)
Birth2 Oct 1883, Oberlin, New Russia Township, Lorain County, Ohio3,5,6,4
Death26 Sep 1959, Elyria, Lorain County, Ohio
BurialSt. Mary Cemetery, Elyria, Lorain County, Ohio
OccupationFarmer on a general farm--1910 and 1920; employee of the Western Automatic Screw Machine Company.
Marriageabt 1906, Lorain County, Ohio
Notes for Anna Wohleber
Source: Jeanne Crews
As of 1910 she had had two children of whom one was living.
Notes for Jacob J. (Spouse 1)
Source: Jeanne Crews; and
In 1910 he and his wife and daughter Amelia lived in Oberlin, Russia Township, Lorain County, Ohio on the same street as their parents’ families. In 1920 Jacob and his wife and two children lived in Russia Township. In 1930 they lived in Elyria, Lorain County.