Relatives of Leo and Mary Ternes Diederich (2016) - Tree
Sophia Louise Henriette Koch?
13 Sep 1848 - 6 Apr 1849
Ferdinand Johann Heinrich Koch
27 May 1820 -
Sophia Maria Elisabeth Wiese
2 spouses 2 children
Heinrich Ludwig Jochim Kaehler
Maria Dorothea Elisabeth Kaehler
Ferdinand Johann Heinrich Koch
Sophia Louise Henriette Koch?
Johann Ludwig Koch
abt 26 Apr 1786 - 11 Dec 1856
1 spouse 9 children
Anna Dorothea Elisabeth Eggers
Catharina Maria Sophia Koch
Katharine Maria Elisabeth Koch
Anna Maria Dorothea Koch
Magdalene Dorothea Elisabeth Koch
Johann Ludwig Levin Koch
Ferdinand Johann Heinrich Koch
Henriette Maria Luise Koch
Friedrich Heinrich Ludwig Koch
Magdalene Henriette Elisabeth Koch
Anna Dorothea Elisabeth Eggers
7 Jan 1787 - 15 Apr 1834
1 spouse 9 children
Johann Ludwig Koch
Catharina Maria Sophia Koch
Katharine Maria Elisabeth Koch
Anna Maria Dorothea Koch
Magdalene Dorothea Elisabeth Koch
Johann Ludwig Levin Koch
Ferdinand Johann Heinrich Koch
Henriette Maria Luise Koch
Friedrich Heinrich Ludwig Koch
Magdalene Henriette Elisabeth Koch
Wilhelm Christopher Jochim Koch
abt 17 Sep 1761 - 3 Feb 1830
Catharina Elisabeth Prentzlien
1755/1756 - 4 Nov 1813
Christoph Eggers
Katharine Dorothea Dechow
Hans Jakob Koch
Anna Margaretha Schwartz
Jochim Daniel Prentzlien
Sophia Lucia Ehlers